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4510 E 61st St N
Kechi, KS 67067
United States




The FOCUS Conference is an opportunity to enjoy Biblical teaching, fellowship, and fun! FOCUS (Focusing On CHRIST Utilizing the Scriptures) was originally designed as a youth conference, but we encourage any one to come join! The conference takes place annually in February at the Target Park building. This year we are excited to welcome Brian Glaeser as the speaker for the conference and will have the ministry meetings at Northside Bible Chapel. To listen to previous conference messages, check out the links to the right.

Contact & Questions:

  • Nathan Jacobberger (316) 719-0891

  • David McAdam (316) 308-4532


  • Phyllis McAdam (316) 633-2929

FOCUS 2024

Dates: February 16-18, 2024

Speaker: Brian Glaeser

Conference Schedule

Friday @ Target Park

6:30pm Meal

7:15pm Ministry

Activity Following Ministry

Saturday @ Target Park

1:00pm Ministry

2:30pm Ministry

4:00pm Ministry

5:00pm Meal

6:00pm Ministry

Activity Following Ministry

Sunday @ Northside Bible Chapel

8:45am Breaking of Bread

10:00am Ministry

11:00am Ministry

12:00pm Meal

Click the “DOWNLOAD NOW” button to access and download a PDF scan of the book mentioned at FOCUS by Jabe Nicholson called Books to Help You Grow.