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4510 E 61st St N
Kechi, KS 67067
United States



Vacation Bible School


Welcome to Northside Bible Chapel's VBS! We're so excited to have your child at VBS this year and to teach them all about the Lord Jesus Christ! Your child will be learning a new Bible verse each night, scream their lungs out for song time, hear a message from the speaker, play some fun games and eat yummy snacks!

VBS is a weekday program, Sunday-Thursday, June 4th-8th 2023, from 6:15pm - 8:15pm.

Speaker: Philemon Hammond

Address: 4510 E 61st St N, Kechi, KS 67067

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the following:

Tim Horn, Director
Phone: (316) 680-8331

Lauren Tucker, Registration
Phone: (316) 252-6343

Note: You will need to register EACH child separately.